For those who don't know, I left my formal employment in June to pursue a full time career in missions. Well, that was not an easy decision but it was long overdue. It just felt like the right time. With a decision like that you need the take some time to seek God for guidance and direction. So I took 3 months sabbatical which most of it I spent eating and sleeping (in my defense, I needed that rest...ha ha)
The 3 months are over now and it is time for me to cross the Jordan. I feel like the Lord is telling me, now therefore arise, go over this Jordan (Joshua 1:2). I don't know what Hittites or Jebusites I am going to meet on the way but I am willing to "risk it" all for the sake of the Gospel.
Last weekend I had the privilege of attending a Students Conference with The Navigators. It was a breath of fresh air. It was just what I needed. I think my search for a missions organization to serve with has come to an end. For me, it was an answer to prayer.
Why The Navigators? Here is why.
The Navigators' Vision Statement:
We see a vital movement of the Gospel, fueled by prevailing prayer, flowing freely through relational networks and out into the nations. Workers for the Kingdom are next door to everywhere!
What characterizes this movement?
==> A heart for the whole person, climates of grace, compassion for the vulnerable and broken, sacrificial unity embracing diversity, cultural relevance and sensitivity, interdependence with others in the wider family of God, transformed men and women, fragrant with humility and the aroma of Christ.
==> They are marked by a deep engagement with and obedience to the Scriptures as the Word of God. They believe the promises of God. Both personally and in committed communities, they seek to know and pursue the purposes of God.
==> Laborers and leaders are emerging, with an increasing passion for Jesus Christ. They demonstrate faith and courage as they live and move among their friends and families. As spiritual parents, they model authenticity and relevance.
==> Ordinary people, in many walks of life, are joyfully leading integrated lives. They live as fruitful insiders among the lost. There is perseverance in the face of hardship and suffering. Around the world, many are coming to faith. As they become established in discipleship, some grow to be foundational for further generations. The Gospel spreads naturally and powerfully, as believers share Christ, life upon life, family to family.
==> Crossing cultures into new cities and nations, teams of mobile pioneers intentionally proclaim and embody the good news of Jesus Christ, in such a way that transformed communities multiply. These communities are bringing joy and hope to their surrounding environments as relationships are healed and justice increases. Indeed, the lost and unreached burn in their hearts, as they move the Gospel into the nations.
==> The leaders of this movement, developed and empowered for God’s service, live out a growing commitment to Christlikeness. They are dependent upon the Holy Spirit. New generations of leaders are emerging, rooted incarnationally in their local and national contexts. An international leadership community brings focus, alignment and energy to their movement. These leaders are clearly committed to long-term impact in generational ministry.
As I embark on this new path, I am reminded of the words of Hosea 6:1 "Come, let us return to the Lord! He has torn us in pieces; now he will heal us. He has injured us; now he will bandage our wounds." I am just a broken vessel that is available for the master's use. I am too "messed up" for the ordinary. God has messed me up. (Let the reader understand)