It started earlier on; It stared pouring and I now it is still pouring.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Papa. Thank you Jesus.
That was what was pouring from my heart earlier during the day when I was walking along the corridors of Kenyatta National Hospital.
I had two patients that needed to be admitted and one can get frustrated trying to get things done at KNH.
So I was humbled that even though I have not worked there for long, God has given me favour and whoever I called or went to was helpful.
To me is is not my making but God's hand at work. That's why I am saying thank you. It started pouring and it continued.
Then earlier this evening, I was teaching the children the bible like I usually do every Friday.
But today's preacher didn't not show up and so I had to preach and give a memory verse all at the same time.
Well, I did my thing and the way I do the memory verse usually is with actions.
But the best part about it is that I never think beforehand of what the actions will be.
The Holy Spirit just brings them to me as I start speaking. I really enjoy it because it is new to me as it is new to the children.
So again it started pouring, that is something I say thank you Papa.
Even after the fellowship, when Margaret said I am a very good teacher and I do it so well, it started pouring.
Gratitude started pouring from my heart.
Just a few minutes ago, I was talking to my son in the Lord ( Muchoki) - the one who left a few weeks ago to go volunteer with Mercy Ships in Madagascar.
Well, this morning he was the one preaching during their devotions in the ship.
I asked him how it went, and he said he was a bit nervous but he managed to speak about the fig tree with leaves but no fruits of the Holy Spirit.
I told him that one sentence has blessed me and would like to hear more.
When he expounded it, I was in tears of joy and saying thank you to God that my son is already being used of God.
God is really not a respector of persons. He can use any availability vessel. Thank you Papa. Strike three and God is yet to do more.
My heart filled with gratitude. I can't stop saying thank you.
For what He had done, I say thank you Papa.
For what He is doing, I say thank you Papa.
For what He will do, I am more than grateful. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU PAPA.