In the beginning God said let there be and it was. He spoke everything into existence. The first thing the bible says existed in the beginning was darkness so it was only imperative that the first thing God spoke into being was light. In Genesis 1:3 God said, Let there be light and there was. God saw that the light was good and He separated it from darkness. God went on to speak the earth, the land, the seas, the birds, the fish, the plants, the animals, the heavens and the reptiles into being. God never regreted anything He spoke into being. He saw that everything was good.

The question we should ask ourselves is, what have we been speaking? And is what we have been speaking good? Jesus said in John 6:63b, the words I have spoken to you - they are full of Spirit and life. We are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27) and since God is a speaking God, we also need to speak. Psalm 119:89 says that the word of God is forever settled in heaven. In heaven, the word of God is confirmed, it is established, it is fixed, is sure, it is immovable. If that is how it is in heaven, then how is it here on earth? Someone on earth needs to speak the word of God to establish it.

Job 22:28 says, you shall also decree a thing and it shall be established for you: and the light shall shine upon your ways. So it it possible that the reason why we have dark situations in our lives is because we are not speaking? Or perhaps we are not speaking the Word of God? Is what we are speaking full of Spirit and life? Are the words we are speaking building other people or they are breaking them? Are we speaking to bring healing or we are causing more hurt by our words? Are our words bringing hope to those who have lost hope? I also want to ask, out of what we speak everyday, how many of those words are in line with the Word of God? Can we give an account of every word we speak? Jesus said in Matthew 12:36 that everyone will have to give an account on the day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken. Selah!

I do not want to end this blog without speaking what is in my heart. The last 3 months, I have had the privilege of knowing a very wonderful young man called Nathan. He came to volunteer at the Children's Home since July when I was still in Sierra Leone. I met him in August when I came from Sierra Leone and we served together in the Children's camp that was going on in Kibera. Since then, we have taught bible studies to the children together, we have shared and prayed together. What is wonderful about Nathan is that he loves the Lord dearly and loves the word of God. You would always see Nathan in the Home walking around with a bible in his hand. He did not only walk with it for show but every time he sat down and he had some spare time in his hands, he was reading it.
I have enjoyed being around him for he would always ask questions like, "why does it say this in the bible?" or "where is such and such found in the bible?" or "Is it christian to think or do this?" He was an inspiration to say the least. Oh, and the children adored him. He made them smile. Actually, he made everyone smile and would talk to everyone he met (including strangers in the street) even with the little Swahili he learnt. He reached out to the smallest, the biggest, the weak, the strong and treated all of them alike. He was not afraid of making a fool of himself to make everyone else happy. When I heard yesterday that he was leaving in the evening to go back to Scotland, I had to go to my room to cry.
He was scheduled to leave on the 15th of December but due to unavoidable circumstances he had to leave abruptly. When we dropped him off at the airport, I came back home and was praying and asking God why his departure upset me so much. Then I realized that I was not only going to miss him as a friend and ministry partner but I knew there was somebody who going to do exploits for God.

I realized that my cry was not so much a cry of sadness (even though I know I will miss him dearly) but a cry of intercession to God: Intercession to the souls and lives he is going to touch; Intercession for God's preservation and protection: Intercession for the joy and healing he is going to bring to many.
In the spirit of speaking and declaring, please allow me to declare that Nathan is a man destined for greatness. He will go on to do exploits for the Kingdom! Na Shetani ashindwe! (Devil be defeated). That's a statement he picked up from the kids and he loved to say it. Hallelujah! The devil is already defeated. He has been an encouragement to me and I am honored to know him. PS - He left me the best gift of all - his study bible.
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