Two Sundays ago my friends took some colleagues to
lunch and afterwards, I joined them to go on a Safari Walk. I offered to carry Jill’s 5 months daughter
for the afternoon. When we came back, Jill’s
daughter was asleep on my arms and so I decided to take her to her house which
is only a few meters from our flats. On
our way to her house, Jill asked me to give her 200 shillings. I gave her the money and when we got to her
house, I was so surprised to see how small it was and how crumbed together
everything was. Basically, her place
looked like a shack. I left her place
feeling really bad for her. I started wondering;
what if some good Samaritans like Boaz left some handfuls of purpose for Jill
for to glean. Wouldn’t that be
Fast forward to last evening – just before the
fellowship, I was feeling so tired and worn out. As a matter of fact, I found myself thinking
I wish I did not have to attend Friday Fellowship with the children. I even met a colleague just a few minutes
before fellowship and I mentioned how tired I was feeling. He told me, “once a missionary always a
missionary, you cannot run away from your calling.” Then he added, “God will give you the grace.” How true those two statements were. One, once called – you cannot run away
(remember what happened to Jonah?). Two,
God’s grace will always be sufficient.
Apart from feeling tired, I
didn’t feel adequately prepared to teach the children on any subject whatsoever. But then again, that was not the first time I
felt inadequate. Time and again, God has
continued to teach me that it is not by power nor by might but by His
Spirit. As soon I stood to speak, God
gave me the words to speak. How true He
is to His word that says, open your mouth and I will fill it (Ps 81:10). It was like God was dropping handfuls of purpose
directly into my spirit. I was so excited as fresh sheaves were dropping from heaven and the children and I were gleaning off the hot presses. The amazing thing is that I was teaching from Psalm 23, a psalm that I would have normally ignored thinking there is nothing to glean from. If Ruth, ignored Boaz’ field, would she have received handfuls of purpose from another field? You tell me.